Food & Vitamins:

This page was created to provide you with some links to help you stay healthy or find information on some health food issues. 

There is a saying Health is Wealth.   We have so much information out there and who are we to believe.  One must do a lot of research.  We hope that these links could get you started in your search. 

Exercise, Food and Sleep are basics to a healthy body. 

Water & Liquid

Start Your Day with Warm Water & Lemon - 6mins

Drink This EVERY Morning! - Lemon Juice & Apple Cider Vinegar - 5mins

Secret Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin with Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Juice - 4mins

Scientific Proof Apple Cider Vinegar Dissolves Liver & Gall Stones - 11mins

Dr. Mercola's Iodine Supplement: Your High-Quality Iodine Capsules - 3mins

Dr. David Brownstein on Iodine Part 1/3 - 11mins

Dr. David Brownstein on Iodine Part 2/3 - 9mins

Dr. David Brownstein on Iodine Part 3/3 - 10mins

Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt - 12mins

The Health Benefits of TRUE Himilayan Salt | Psymphony Himalayan Crystal Salt - 9mins

What to Do With Himalayan Pink Salt - 4mins

How to make Himalayan Pink Salt Sole - 3mins

How to make Liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C at home! - Bridget Davis ~ The Internet Chef - 8m

Liposomal Vitamin C (How to Make) - NaturalHerbalFarmacy - 16m

Dr. Mercola: The Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C - 9m

Dr. Mercola's Top 3 Recommended Supplements - 5m

Dr. Mercola's "Core Five" Health Supplements - 8m

Homemade Probiotics: Save Hundreds of Dollars - 16m

The 6 Foods That Kill Bad Bacteria In Your Gut - 3m

Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System - John Bergman - 50m

Easy Way To Ferment Your Own Veggies | Ep 58 - 9m

The Healing Powers of Salt! - 5mins

Overcoming Sugar Addiction - 7mins

How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Naturally - Dr. Josh Axe - 7mins

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Naturally - Dr. Josh Axe - 6mins

Essential Oils for Anti Aging - Dr. Josh Axe - 5mins

How to Boost Your Metabolism in 3 Easy Steps - Dr. Josh Axe - 5mins

This video provides good information about the Importance of  Vitamins - 86m

GMO Food - Is modified food Healthy or Poison

This page was last updated: January 5, 2016